Worldwide Certification Services Inc.
Marty Gasiorowski, President and DER




Worldwide Certification Services Inc. (WCS) and Enea Embedded Technologies, Inc. are pleased to offer a two-day class on RTCA DO-178B, “Software Considerations in Airborne System Equipment Certification”. 


Instructors will be Marty Gasiorowski of WCS and Connie Beane of Enea.  Marty has over twenty years experience as a Systems, Software, Complex Electronic Hardware and Safety Designated Engineering Representative (DER) and was Co-Chair of the Documentation Integration Sub-Group of the committee that generated DO-178C.  Connie is a software and complex electronic hardware DER, and was formerly a software engineer at the FAA’s Transport Airplane Directorate.


The class will cover the following topics:


·      Relationship of the Functional Hazard Analysis and System Safety Assessment to Software and Hardware Levels.

·      DO-178B Development Processes, including Planning, Requirements, Design, Code and Integration

·      DO-178B Integral Processes, including Verification, Configuration Management, Quality Assurance and Certification Liaison

·      Writing good requirements

·      Additional Considerations, such as Service History, Field Loadable Software and Tool Qualification

·      Top Certification Mistakes and Cost Drivers

·      FAA Order 8110.49 & EASA Software Certification Memo




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