SAE ARP-4754A, “Guidelines for Development of Civil Aircraft and Systems”, provides guidelines for the certification aspects of planning, requirements capture and validation, implementation verification, configuration management and process assurance for aircraft and systems. The guidance provides levels of development process rigor based on the potential safety impact of development errors.
DO-297, “Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA) Development Guidance and Certification Considerations” provides similar guidance for IMA Systems.
This class provides training on how to efficiently apply APR-4754A and DO-297, to achieve certification of aircraft with installed IMA systems, using these two regulatory guidance documents in concert. Class attendees should include systems engineers, program managers, quality engineers and certification engineers working on programs where ARP-4754A and DO-297 have been, or will be, invoked.
Three new topics have been added to the class agenda below, to provide even more value for attendees.
- Certification Basics
- What Is (And Is Not) IMA – New Topic!
- ARP-4754A and DO-297 background and relationship to each other
- Planning
- Aircraft and System Development
- Safety Assessment
- Development Assurance Levels
- Validation
- Implementation Verification
- Configuration Management
- Process Assurance
- Tool Qualification
- Certification Liaison
- Modification Programs – New Topic!
- OEM and Supplier Responsibilities – New Topic!
- DO-297 Application Acceptance
- DO-297 Errata